Frequently Asked Questions

How does Energy Therapy differ from traditional therapy?

A traditional therapy session generally involves a lot of talking and going over the same issue. With energy therapy, it isn’t necessary to relive every detail of the past trauma to have it cleared and released from your system. Your energy and inner wisdom already know all the details, we just need to locate the emotions that are attached with that memory. Through certain techniques, those emotions (anger, betrayal, fear, sadness etc) are released from the body AND the energy field. The memory of the incident can still be there, but the pain and emotional turmoil of if is gone. Energy therapy gets to the emotional and energetic root of the problem and clearing it from its source efficiently.

How is this Clearing work done long distance?

Because energy is not limited by time or distance, the work is just as powerful and effective, whether you were sitting in front of me or over Skype. When doing a phone or Skype session, I simply muscle test on myself to get the feedback from the client’s energy. I also then do the integration on myself for the client.

Do I need to lie down for a session?

No, when a session is in person we just sit in chairs that face each other. Over phone or Skype, I would sit at my desk and the client could be wherever they are comfortable.

How long is a private session?

The session is 55 minutes.

Is an energy therapy session like a psychic reading?

No! Please don’t come to the session expecting to be told specific answers about future events in your life. Energy therapy is about clearing blocks, traumas, fears, phobias, anything that is holding you back from being happy and living your best life. Once the negative self talk and stuck issues are gone, you will experience more peace and clarity. This then enables you to focus on trusting yourself and making your own decisions for what is best for you on your journey.

Do I have to believe in this for it to work on me?

No, you can keep your skepticism and still have this work for you. Your body’s intuitive wisdom will process and benefit from what it knows is for your highest good, whether or not your conscious mind thinks this work is “a little out there”. Your inner wisdom will not pick up something if it deems it not in your highest good. The integrity of the Energetic Lift Method never allows anything to be integrated without first checking if it is in your highest interest. Of course, you can consciously block any of the energy work being accepted, if you are happy and comfortable living in a lower vibration.

At what age can these techniques be used on children?

Because the Energetic Lift Method is so gentle and can do no harm, there really is no age limit. I have worked on many children and babies, and their energy is light and sweet, and also very accepting. Children can pick up many vibrations around them, and it can affect them in different ways. Also, children born in this day and age are the “chain breaking” generation. They are carrying a lot of tendencies from their family line in their genes. For the child’s highest good, any negative generational issue can be cleared.

What is meant by “Clearing ancestral issues”?

Just as we have our families’ physical DNA that has been passed down our ancestral line, we also have their energetic and emotional DNA. Sometimes we may be upset or bothered by something, and we think to ourselves, “Why does that get to me so much?” Well, sometimes it’s not even our issue! If we have an ancestor that went through a trauma, or had a particular negative belief pattern, and we inherited that emotional tendency, certain life situations seem to magnify it in us.

Ancestral issues are very common in this work. They can be attached to a variety of different issues, but particularly depression, anxiety, addictions and negative financial beliefs come through the generation line. When clearing ancestral issues, it also clears for anyone in the lineage who carries the issue. So moving that issue can clear it for many in your family line.

How soon will I notice results?

The energy shifts immediately with the integration, like a light switched on in a dark room. Most people report they feel much “lighter” after a session, and that is because they literally are! Emotions such as depression, guilt, fear etc are low heavy vibrations. Once released, the space left by them is filled with much lighter, higher vibrations such as light, truth, love, joy and forgiveness.

With some issues, you immediately notice they are no longer there, because you are no longer bothered and weighed down by them. The fear is replaced with peace and calm. With other issues, even though the energetic change is in place, you may not feel the change right away. Sometimes we need to be in a situation where that issue was previously a problem, to notice that it is no longer there bothering you.

I have noticed in myself and my family’s life that sometimes when issues have been cleared, I didn’t realise the amount of positive impact it has had until later when I have looked back and seen the good changes that have occurred since releasing the negative and re-framing it as a positive.  Sometimes, the fact that you are no longer bothered with a certain thing makes it easy to simply forget that you had a problem with it.